Welcome to From The Heart Pet Treats!
My on-line store/new website is coming soon!
We provide single source protein treats, freeze-dried organ meat and dehydrated chews, for dogs and cats as well as artisan wild birdseed wreaths for our feathered friends.
You can find us at the following DC/Maryland Farmer’s Markets
My on-line store/new website is coming soon!
We provide single source protein treats, freeze-dried organ meat and dehydrated chews, for dogs and cats as well as artisan wild birdseed wreaths for our feathered friends.
Chevy Chase, DC Farmer’s Market (Lafayette E.S.) from 9am to 1pm.
We will be there every other week (April 8 &22, May 6 & 20 etc)
Kensington, MD Farmer’s Market (Antique Row) from 9am to 1 pm. We will be there on April 8.
Bethesda Central Farm Market (Bethesda, MD) from 9:30am -1:30pm.
Palisades Farmers Market (48th PL & MacArthur Blvd, WDC) from 9am to 1pm We will be there every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. https://ww.palisadesfarmersmarket.com
Rose Park Farmer’s Market (Georgetown – 26th & O St NW) from 3pm to 7pm.
Market will reopen in May https://www.roseparkdc.org
Contact us: info@fromtheheartpettreats.com • 202-321-7870 • www.fromtheheartpettreats.com • Privacy Policy